2 Great Puns.

Nick Clegg’s assessment that Julia Goldsworthy gets patronised, and Chris Huhne does not have enough emotional intelligence for a Climate Change role are absolutely correct.

jgJulia Goldsworthy is a fixture on Newsnight, like Shirley Williams in this respect.

I find myself patronising her: her youthful, university style grates. Why is she giving me information on the intricacies of London Financial District? It’s very hard to take, my only experience of her is on Newsnight.

I wonder how mutually exclusive being the patroniser and the patronisee are? She is really patronising, she has Michael Howard’s weird wrist/hand gestures, the ones that are supposed to make Gordon Brown more electable.

I think the phrase ‘not done an honest day’s work’ comes to mind. If you asked her what’s the most embarrassing job you’ve ever done the answer would probably be ‘I had to go and find Ashdown some kleenex when he was getting laid’.

Speak to any other Newsnut and they will say the same.

They will also say Andrew Rawnsley can piss off, and that Douglas bloke from Labour is a right gimp.

chChris Huhne has the voice of an Angle.

He is a maths-man, the power-hungry nerd, who is backing the wrong horse. A ‘Leadership at all costs’ man during the Leadership contest, his Will to Power leaves a bad taste in the mouth, hence why LL Cool Clegg got the gig.

‘Hello Menzies, please do you mind awfully if I run for leader please sorry?’

I think both of the MPs above have a very defined image in most Lib Dem voyeurs: both seem suspiciously willing to talk on any part of policy, they are the keenos saying ‘I’ll drive 200 miles on a Sunday in the rain to do the BBQ, no problem!’.

I really like the Lib Dems’ recent policies, and I will probably be voting for them in the next election.

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